Black Galaxy Granite has been quarried since the early 1980s near Ongole, Andhra Pradesh, India. There are many different Black Galaxy granite quarries with the background colour, veining, reflector size and density varying slightly from quarry to quarry. It is, without doubt, one of the most popular granites in the world however not so much used for memorials but it is frost resistant."
Fine to medium-grained, black with sparkling yellow / silver reflectors. A clear epoxy resin filler may be used to give a smooth surface touch for work surfaces. N.B. It is extremely difficult to match-up Black Galaxy granite supplied from different quarries.
Slabs, tiles, prefabricated countertops/worktops, vanities, backsplashes, paving.
Polished, honed, leather/satin, river-washed/antique, thermal/flamed, flamed & brushed, water-jet, bush-hammered, sandblast and sawn finish.
It is unlikely that a sealant can be used on Black Galaxy Granite, test first with a small sample.
Black Ametist, Black Ametista, Black Amethyst, Black Amethysta, Black and Gold, Black Galaxi, Black Galaxy Granite, Black Gold Sands, GA 902, Galaxi Black, Galaxy Black, Galaxy Gold, Galaxy Star, Nero Ametista, Nero Galassia, Nero Galaxy, Nero Star Galaxi, Nero Black Galaxy, Star Galaxi, Star Galaxy Black, Star Gallaxy, WG203
Ongole, Andhra Pradesh, Southern India.
Generic: Granite
Petrographic: Gabbric Anorthosite
Full Container 24 tonnes. Processed in Chennai and Vishakpatnam, India.
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Eurasian Granites