1840s Onwards

A family-owned company that can go back some seven generations to the early 1840s with its roots originating in Kingston Upon Hull in the United Kingdom, and not simply as monumental stonemasons and master stonemasons, but also of professional sculptors creating many public as well as personal works of art.

Business Card Business Card

George Henry Leake's business card, probably the mid to late 1800s.

Pilgrim Fathers Memorial

Pilgrim Fathers Memorial Image

1950s - 1970s

The Pilgrim Fathers Memorial erected in 1957 and supplied by our family business Leake's Masonry Ltd.

A significant change to the family business began in the 1950s when the company began importing marble direct from Italy. During the 1960s it imported from several other countries including India, Angola, Poland & Portugal however it was the purchase of the large Hull and London, U.K. granite & marble wholesaler Walton Goody & Cripps (1933) Ltd (WGC) in 1968 that altered the business's focus.

During the 1970s WGC had become very acquainted with its premium Indian granite supplier and had discussed many different ideas of how to increase production, which type of products to manufacture, which markets to aim for, anything and everything was considered and ambitious expansion plans were made but this all had to be tested and proven therefore the U.K., as our home market, was the obvious choice.

This was an emphatic development and propelled WGC to the premier position of the #1 UK memorial wholesaler regularly supplying in excess of 2,000+ finished memorials a month.


In 1981 it was decided to go ahead and promote Indian granite internationally through well-known trade fairs, notably in Germany and Italy, with the newly-formed Anglo-Indian company Eurasian Enterprises initially based in Madras, now known as Chennai. This was a resounding success, high quality products made in India at very competitive prices, customers were delighted, some markets welcomed the competition, some markets would remain firmly closed for many years protected by their respective governments.

Many Indian granite factory "productions firsts" were successfully achieved including, diamond sawn random slabs, all polished memorials, pitched (rock) edge memorials plus the volume production of German and USA memorials to their largest wholesalers.

Mahabalipuram 1980


1990s - www commences

In 1993 we launched our first website, one of the first 1,000 on the WWW, and today we have several and they're evolving, as customers' expectations do, into informative and usable tools whereby specifiers, tradespeople and the public can learn about our materials and products. We do not publish prices on our sites quite simply because everyone's enquiry is unique. The WWW has been wonderful for our industry, it has tightened supply lines, opened up communications with direct and affordable means of contact and helped us take to market new and exciting materials and products.


This website is to inform potential new clients of our proud history, to view 2,000+ natural stones being offered by alternative stone suppliers from many different countries, especially the many different granites in the Bangalore, Hyderabad and Ongole areas which is now agreed to be the hub for Indian granites. We have our own staff and offices there, independent material inspectors are available plus direct contact via smartphones with those in daily touch with quarries and factories. Likewise exports from Xiamen, China, are still a very important sector and especially so for project works in many countries however as new granite factories are constructed in alternative countries, we shall endeavour to inspect and approve exports from those too.

Quarry Visits

You are most welcome to visit factories or arrange a quarry tour at most times of the year however, in the case of India specifically, it is recommended to avoid the monsoon season, June to September, in case of flooding.

Try us - Premium quality natural stones at prices you can work with.

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Whether as a supplier or a customer, you are one of our partners, together we succeed, thank you.

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